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Want to freshen up your Web Zone? Try some of these!

✅ Pixel art may be reposted and adopted for toyboxes/adoptable galleries, and may be used in other graphics. Please link back to this page if you use anything.
❌ "Blockchain" or "NFT" usage is strictly forbidden.
❌ "AI art" or "AI learning" usage is strictly forbidden.

Pixel Inkees

For more info on Inkees, check out this page.

Pixel Squids

Splatoon2 Common colours:

Splatoon2 Splatfest & other colours:

Squid party!

Tiny Squids

Splatoon2 Common colours:

Splatoon2 Splatfest & other colours:

Squid party!

Pixel Octos

Splatoon2 Common colours:

Splatoon2 Splatfest & other colours:

Octo party!

Tiny Octos

Splatoon2 Common colours:

Splatoon2 Splatfest & other colours:

Octo party!

Special Pixels

Canon characters:


More Special pixels to be added at a later date. Feel free to suggest Special pixels in the Cbox, or through Contact methods!

Chibi Pixels

Canon characters:

More chibi characters to be added at a later date. Stay fresh!

Toggle Squidstorm
Toggle Cbox

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This Web Zone is a work in progress.
Please watch warmly for future updates.
Web Zone may not function correctly if Javascript is disabled.